Cub Scout Pack 290 was chartered in June 2023 and is serving scouts in grades K-5 in the Stafford, VA area . We are part of the Aquia District in the National Capital Area Council and is sponsored by American Legion Post 290.
Den Meetings are held at 630 pm on Friday evenings and some weekend events, with Pack Meetings scheduled for the 4th Friday of the month. Our meetings are held at Conway Elementary School (Gym), 105 Primmer House Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405.
Our goal is to foster the BSA vision of building our youth into conscientious, responsible, and productive boys and girls by instilling in them lifetime values and developing ethical character traits as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law. We want to create an environment that fosters a sense of community while keeping the fun in scouting. As Baden Powell once said, we are building “Happy, Healthy, and Helpful Citizens.”
We are required to ensure that all our leaders are properly trained, so our scouts can be mentored in a safe environment provided by our sponsor organization. In addition, we encourage our leaders to attend regular Scout training events and monthly round tables (2nd Thursday of the Month held at Ebenezer UMC at 730pm). We are proud to have present leaders who are Eagle Scouts.
Do you like camping and the great outdoors?
Do you like campfires and S'mores?
Do you like hiking?
Do you like fishing?
Do you like friendly competitions?
Do you like serving your community?
Do you like honoring our Nations Veterans?
Do you like visiting our National Parks and keeping them clean?
Are you ready to be a part of our TEAM, where we do everything Together and Everyone Achieves More?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then we are the Pack for you! Join Pack 290 today!
It is our sincerest hope that if you or if someone you know is considering becoming involved in Scouting, you will contact one of our leaders.